Online Disclaimer ACCEPTANCE OF EA END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT AND PUNKBUSTER END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT REQUIRED TO PLAY. Online Multiplayer Redefined: Developed by the world-class team at DICE (makers of Battlefield Bad Company 2) this fast paced combat delivers the perfect mix of tactical warfare and all-out action.Unparalleled Authenticity: Intense story with incredible pacing and variety set in the rugged Afghanistan landscape, creating a shooter experience only available from the storied Medal of Honor franchise.

Their exact numbers, while classified, hover in the low hundreds. The Tier 1 Operator functions on a level above and beyond even the most highly trained Special Operations Forces. Of those, approximately 50 thousand fall under the direct control of the Special Operations Command. There are over 2 million active soldiers. Operating directly under the National Command Authority, a relatively unknown entity of handpicked warriors are selected when it is crucial that a mission must not fail.